Essay on wastage of water | English essay for exam preparation

Essay on wastage of water | English essay for exam preparation

Don’t waste water even if you were at running water stream.


1- Introduction

2- An overview. Distribution.

3- Where of global water is the water being wasted?

  1. a) Enormous wastage of water in agriculture sector
  2. b) Industrial water consumption, a major drain on world’s limited.
  3. c) Water supply attitude
  4. d) Wastage due to carefree usage of domestic users

4- Impacts of wasting water

  1. a) Drought and famines
  2. b) Halted economic development in
  3. c) Rise transboundary tensions
  4. d) Water, as foreign policy instrument to be

5-Way forward to cope with water wastage

  1. a) Infrastructure building for water! Conservation
  2. b) Use of technology to re-use desalinate water and
  3. c) To encourage international efforts and commitment for water management
  4. d) To change outdated agricultural methods

6- Conclusion

Directly the or indirectly, water is. Constituent of everything from a tiny cell of human body to the surface of earth- Water backbone of life is life on the earth. Imagination of life without fact water is impossible. Despite knowing the fact that it would have serious Limited Life water Repercussions the availability of the blessing is being wasted blindly” worldwide. In order to save the world from threatening results of water water wastage, the need to stop Control it. Agriculture sector leakage points resources. However Lo of the hour is to approaches work 104 ΟΥ at least is one of of world the major water the water are also playing their roles. If not lowing to combated the water scarcity. Water wastage would lead’ the world to severe manufacturing sector and attitude of taking public Las granted such as famines. Economies of water environmental changes such drought and the states would be doing somersaults as they are dependent upon whether directly or indirectly. If the situation prevails the day. No longer when water would S be the driving policy force behind foreign policies. Therefore, the world needs to take saving the on a towards path backbone of life earth. For example, technology based infrastructure building and water diplomacy may be the options. In the other case, the life face here can a serious threat. The available water of the world either Saline in saline or fresh water has dissolved salts it becomes it therefore unavailable for human use. Water is fresh. Therefore, entire population is the world at the mercy of the minute. Percentage of fresh water. For Fresh “water is present in the form of fresh lakes, under- ground water of the water from melting glaciers. Hence, the supply of water it world is Living on water which a limited should manage properly the agriculture sector of the topping the world is list of water consumption Verge portion of fresh water is engulfed by irrigation of still being of the unaware used in various parts world.. Farmers there are drip of the modern techniques. Of irrigation such irrigation or as trickle irrigation system. Taking the example of Pakistan, its agriculture requirement of be fulfilled can Sector water where it is waste o by 20 milf of using 112 mAF i.e. a 112 mAF of water. Importance of agriculture can’t be denied but the is not in the condition such a huge water. Of affording such a Ross. Industry is another sector which has the blame of fresh water. The era of maensed the stand and of thas life but wasting a large amount of Lera of industrialization other hand earth of leading the outhit is devoiding the soul. China its List is of having largest numbers.

To conclude, the wastage of water has been an overloaded issue while wasting the limited supply of fresh water on the earth one usually forgets that water distinguished the planed compared to all others known to man. The lack of adequate water to meet the human needs would indeed be a constraint on human health and productivity and hence on economic development as well as on the maintenance of healthy ecosystem water scarcity has the potential of triggering many issues. Therefore anthropogenic activities are needed to be molded in a shape that may with the problem of water wastage.



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