Understanding Software Reporter Tool in Windows 10: How to Fix High CPU Usage

Understanding Software Reporter Tool in Windows 10: How to Fix High CPU Usage
Understanding Software Reporter Tool in Windows 10: How to Fix High CPU Usage

Understanding Software Reporter Tool in Windows 10: How to Fix High CPU Usage

As a longtime Windows 10 user, I have learned that the software reporter tool can be extremely helpful in detecting and fixing problems on my computer. However, there have been times when the tool has caused high CPU usage, resulting in slow performance and frustrating delays.

In this blog post, I will provide an overview of the software reporter tool and explain why it can cause high CPU usage. I will also share step-by-step instructions on how to check the tool’s CPU usage and how to fix high CPU usage caused by the software reporter tool.

Introduction to Software Reporter Tool in Windows 10

The software reporter tool is a program that comes bundled with Google Chrome. Its primary function is to scan your computer’s hard drive for malicious software that could interfere with the functioning of Google Chrome. The software reporter tool is designed to detect and remove unwanted software, such as adware and spyware, that could compromise the security of your computer.

The software reporter tool is a standalone program and does not require an active internet connection to function. It runs automatically in the background and scans your computer periodically for malicious software. When the software reporter tool detects unwanted programs, it generates a report that is sent to Google. Google then uses this information to update its list of harmful software and to improve the security of Google Chrome.

What is High CPU Usage?

High CPU usage occurs when your computer’s processor is working harder than it should be. High CPU usage can cause your computer to run slowly, freeze, or crash. When the software reporter tool causes high CPU usage, it can make your computer slow and unresponsive.

Why Does Software Reporter Tool Cause High CPU Usage?

There are several reasons why the software reporter tool can cause high CPU usage. One reason is that the tool may be scanning your computer for malicious software. This can be a resource-intensive process that can cause your computer’s CPU to work harder than usual. Another reason is that the software reporter tool may be stuck in a loop, continuously scanning your computer for malicious software, even when there is none to be found.

Steps to Check Software Reporter Tool’s CPU Usage

To check the software reporter tool’s CPU usage, you need to access the Task Manager. The Task Manager is a built-in Windows tool that allows you to monitor the performance of your computer and the programs that are running on it.

  1. Press the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys on your keyboard to open the Task Manager.
  2. Click on the “Processes” tab.
  3. Look for “software_reporter_tool.exe” under the “Google Chrome” heading.
  4. Check the CPU usage percentage listed next to “software_reporter_tool.exe”. If it is high (above 50%), the software reporter tool is causing high CPU usage.

How to Fix High CPU Usage Caused by Software Reporter Tool

There are several ways to fix high CPU usage caused by the software reporter tool. Here are some methods that you can try:

Method 1: Disabling Software Reporter Tool

Disabling the software reporter tool is the most effective way to fix high CPU usage caused by the tool. Here’s how to disable the software reporter tool:

  1. Open File Explorer and navigate to the following folder: C:\Users\username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\SwReporter\81.234.200\ (Note: The 81.234.200 folder may be different on your computer. Look for the most recent version of the software reporter tool.)
  2. Select “Properties” from the context menu that appears after you right-click on the “software reporter tool.exe” file.
  3. Click on the “Security” tab and then click on the “Advanced” button.
  4. Click on the “Disable Inheritance” button and choose “Convert inherited permissions into explicit permissions on this object”.
  5. Click “OK” to save the changes.
  6. In the “Properties” window, click on the “Edit” button under “Group or user names”.
  7. Select “SYSTEM” and then click on the “Deny” checkbox next to “Full control”.
  8. Click “OK” to save the changes.
  9. Restart your computer.

Method 2: Alternatives to Software Reporter Tool

If you do not want to disable the software reporter tool, there are several alternatives that you can use to scan your computer for harmful software. Some popular alternatives include Malwarebytes, AdwCleaner, and HitmanPro.

Common FAQs about Software Reporter Tool

Here are some common questions that users have about the software reporter tool:

Q: What is the software reporter tool used for?

A: The software reporter tool is used to scan your computer for harmful software that could interfere with the functioning of Google Chrome.

Q: Is the software reporter tool necessary?

A: The software reporter tool is not necessary for the functioning of Google Chrome. However, it can help improve the security of your computer by detecting and removing harmful software.

Q: Can I disable the software reporter tool?

A: Yes, you can disable the software reporter tool by following the instructions outlined in this blog post.


In conclusion, the software reporter tool can be a helpful tool for detecting and removing harmful software from your computer. However, it can also cause high CPU usage, which can make your computer slow and unresponsive. If you experience high CPU usage caused by the software reporter tool, you can try disabling the tool or using an alternative program to scan your computer for harmful software. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can ensure that your computer runs smoothly and efficiently.


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