The nature of human nature and personality development

The nature of human nature and personality development

It is for a man to control anger and resolve differences without violence and destruction. Maturity is the name of endurance. Maturity is actually persistence. Continuing to work hard to complete the project despite obstacles. It is selflessness, serving the needs of others. Maturity means being reliable and honest, keeping your word in all circumstances. Maturity is the ability to live peacefully with the things we cannot change. Nations survive whose aging and elders protect the character of their future generations and young people. Give them a purpose. Show them a destination. The setting sun sinks with the hope that tomorrow will light up the world again. Where parents educate their children on a weak basis, they consider only school and college education as training Generations always follow trends. The need in our society is not to train children but to train parents. In the journey of self-realization The greatest solution to all the problems of human life is the inner transformation of the individual. When the individual changes, the society changes and when the society changes, the nation changes. Worked on the individual The need is greatest. A powerful ruler is humble before his subjects. He does not waste time in badmouthing the previous governments during his reign but quietly strengthens the institutions.

The peopleĀ  Takes out of negative and critical thinking and strives for education and training of people Is. A positive leader is not overwhelmed by circumstances. He makes the best use of the equipment at his disposal to build a new future for the people. Being a positive role model means believing in your ideas and implementing them yourself before asking others to do the same because people don’t listen to your words as deeply as they feel your actions. How not to worry about criticism. Unfair criticism is a form of praise. This usually means that you are doing something important that has caused people to feel jealous and envious. Remember a dead dog is no stumbling block hit. Do what you think is right with all your efforts and then take your umbrella so that criticism and criticism do not fall on you. We should write down our follies and keep ourselves accountable because we may make mistakes and follies. We should welcome useful and constructive criticism and criticism. Even if someone says bad things about us, makes fun of us, cheats us or backstabs us, we should not feel sad. Such in the world happens. If you want to do something and you If you are sure that you are on the right path, then don’t worry about people. Book: The door of life is open For centuries, parents have been complaining that their children forget kindness.

Whose fault is it? Of course it belongs to the parents. If we do not teach our children to be kind to others So how can we expect them to? Be kind to us. The book is the door of life Concerns Today should be the focus of all your efforts. A person who worries about tomorrow wastes his energy and afflicts his mind with all sorts of torments. The best way to prepare for tomorrow is to do today’s tasks with diligence and focus Do the head. The grief given by Allah is the trust of Allah. Don’t waste the grief of God in getting sympathy from people, don’t take sympathy from people because people can’t give sympathy. Allah’s given you should be declared only before Allah, like an innocent child beating its mother and saying “Mother, mother”. Thus, when a good servant of Allah receives grief from Allah, he says Allah is Allah. Quarrels after accepting relationship, quarrels after accepting friendship, quarrels after accepting Master’s discipleship ……… This should not happen. Now do what you have accepted. Research as much as you want before accepting, but when you have accepted, it is perfect to be fulfilled.


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